Finding reliable and secure web hosting services for your website is not an easy task. Your website performance shows the reliability of your business.

So there is a need to choose reliable and appropriate web hosting providers to host your websites.

Worldwide, there are over 330,000 web hosting providers.

If you have an enterprise-level business or website with a high volume of traffic then opting for a server will be the right choice for you.

Have a Look at Overview Points:

A dedicated server is the simplest option for you which offers unlimited sources to your website. Also, learn more about windows vps forex trading for earning more profit through vps platform.

In this article, I will see more details about dedicated hosting and it’s pros and cons.

What is a Dedicated Server?

Finding the best and cheap dedicated web hosting services is not an easy task. Day-by-day it’s a complex process.

buy cheap dedicated server hosting

No need to worry, we will see what is a dedicated server and best-dedicated server provider.

In a dedicated hosting a single server that is used to host a single website.

For that, you need to pay for the entire server and no need to share the server resources with any other website such as bandwidth, disk space, processor, etc.

When you use a dedicated server that means you have complete control over server and security system

How is dedicated hosting differ from shared hosting?

In shared hosting, a single server is used to share between multiple websites, while a dedicated server is used to host a single website.

dedicated server vs shared hosting

Unlike the shared hosting, a dedicated hosting website can use all the server resources like bandwidth, disk space, processor, RAM without sharing with other websites.

Types of Dedicated Server Hosting:

The following are the types of dedicated hosting:

  • Dedicated Servers for Email

A dedicated server is also used for email hosting and this type of hosting is generally used for business purposes.

It also provides high levels of security which is important to share sensitive and confidential information.

  • Dedicated Servers for Gaming

It is also used for gaming purposes. Some games required a lot of resources to run. This type of hosting helps to run smoothly and enjoyable gaming without lagging.

Category of Dedicated Server Hosting

1. Managed Server Hosting:

In the managed server hosting your service provider will take care of your server related operations such as server maintenance, monitoring, server update, firewall setting, virus scanning, and many more.

In this type of server hosting, there is no need to manage anything to the site owner; everything is managed by hosting providers. In managed server hosting use of cPanel is very easy.

managed vs unmanaged dedicated server

2. Unmanaged Server Hosting:

The unmanaged server hosting is most suitable for a techie person because service providers leave all operations to the website owner, nothing is managed.

The website owner has to manage by himself and needs to customize server configuration according to a website needs. In this type of hosting

you will not get any cPanel option, you have to install it with the help of the tech team.

Pros & Cons Of The Dedicated Server

Every type of hosting server has its pros and cons. Let’s see the pros and cons of a dedicated server

Pros of the Dedicated Server Hosting

1. More reliable performance:

In a shared web hosting number of websites are hosted on a single server. And the performance of your website depends on the performance of other websites.

If any other website is hosted on the same server and has very high traffic then it will affect the performance of your website.

The world’s top 50 e-commerce websites have an average page load speed of 2.51 seconds. The fastest of those loads in 0.457 seconds.

For Example – It will slow down your website, and make high loading time for your website. The high loading speed of the website creates a negative impact on visitors and SEO point of view as well.

With a dedicated server hosting, there is no such problem, you don’t have to share any resources related to a server with other websites. This will help you to keep higher server uptime.

2. Higher level of security:

With dedicated hosting, there is no other website hosted on the same server. So there is no chance of any security-related threat because not having any neighbor website.

30,000 sites are hacked every day.

Also, you can build security actions as per your necessities, you can customize as per your website requirement.

advantages of dedicated server hosting

3. Total control over the server with easy customization

For dedicated hosting, you are paying for a full server, so you have total control over it. You can extend server resources at any time or you can also install software, application as per your requirement.

In this way, you can easily customize the server with whatever features you want.

4. Powerful services

This dedicated server can handle a high volume of traffic with high uptime. This will give high-performance to the website.

5. Better customer support

If you are paying so much money to have your own server then it is important to have better customer support and never facing any issue.

That’s why most of the web hosting service providers provide great customer support with 24*7.

Cons of the Dedicated Server Hosting

1. More expensive:

When compared to all other types of web hosting services, dedicated web hosting is more expensive.

When you don’t have much traffic on your website then choosing a dedicated server is not a good option for you.

You can select dedicated hosting plans depending on your website’s performance.

cons of dedicated web hosting

2. Needs technical knowledge

When you are operating with dedicated hosting then there is a need for technical knowledge to set up, manage, run, or install a server.

This is not in the case of shared hosting. The hosting provider takes care of this.

Fully managed dedicated hosting is also available but it is more expensive.

3. Usability – Need more maintenance

If you have not any experience to handle the server then choosing a dedicated server will be a hectic task for you. To ensure the server reliability it requires regular server maintenance and daily monitoring.

4. Safety in your own hand

In a dedicated server hosting, you are responsible to secure your server.

This means that you have to install all security-related software, applications such as firewalls, antivirus, etc.

Select Dedicated Server from Reliable Hosting Provider

Till now you know detail about the dedicated server and its pros and cons. Now it’s time to select the best and reliable dedicated web hosting provider.

When you are going to buy a dedicated server for your website you need to check which features the hosting provider offers. DomainRacer is the best-dedicated server hosting provider with affordable costing.

Benefits of Dedicated Server for E-commerce Website

E-commerce websites have a heavy flow of traffic and require more resources and reliability to keep it all time up. Dedicated servers give reliability, security, and high uptime to websites.

dedicated server for ecommerce website

So E-commerce and business-related websites prefer dedicated server hosting.

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for web hosting services and your website having a high volume of traffic then a dedicated server would be a great choice.

You can select any type of service managed or unmanaged depending on your website requirement.